World Trade Organization (WTO)
Dhanvin Ganeshkumar & Zoeb Izzi - Verbal Commendation

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
Michelle Zuo & Neha Shetwal - Outstanding Delegation

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Kabeer Parmar - Honorable Mention

Futuristic Climate Change Conference: COP40
Ishan Ajwani - Verbal Commendation

Novice - Curating Chaos: A Nightmare at the Museum
Hrishi Desai - Outstanding Delegate

Nothing Civil About War: United Nations Security Council - Papua New Guinea-Bougainville Conflict
Zarif Azher - Verbal Commendation

Waving the White Flag: International Court of Justice, 2013 Bolivia v Chile
Ashrita Gandhari - Honorable Mention

Word on the Street: Elmo's Messed Up World
Raghav Kasi - Verbal Commendation

Democracy or Bust! 2012 Tunisian Constitutional Convention
Shanna Chung - Honorable Mention

Spaced Out! The Off-World Expeditionary Committee
Gabby Licayan - Verbal Commendation

Novice - Madness at Mount Etna: The Great Mafia War
Aditi Kodukula - Outstanding Delegate

United Arab Republic: The Renaissance of the Islamic Golden Age
Zac Baker - Verbal Commendation

Aftermath of the Jingkang Incident, Court of Emperor Gaozong
Naisha Patel - Best Delegate

Counting Down the Days: The Revenge of Monte Cristo
Adithiya Balaguru - Outstanding Delegate

Yellow Journalism JCC - New York Journal
Rohith Yelisetty - Best Delegate