Garv Jain

Welcome to TechMUN XXXI! My name is Garv Jain, and I am honored to be serving as your crisis director for the Ad-Hoc Crisis Committee of the Secretary General. I’m currently a senior at TJ, and with TechMUN rounding out my 6th and final year of doing Model UN, I can confidently say that MUN has played an integral part in who I am today. From shaking with nervousness before entering TechMUN in middle school, to now being able to direct the Crisis Ad-Hoc committee, MUN has given me invaluable experiences that I will forever cherish.

Outside of MUN, you can find me obsessing over K-Dramas, traveling while trying to learn a billion languages, or dancing for hours on end. While I know this committee will bring together some of the greatest high school MUN delegates from across the region, throughout the weekend I am looking for just one thing: growth. Something I’ve learned throughout my time in MUN is that even if it’s your 25th conference, there is always some new trick or skill you can learn and build upon by watching the other outstanding delegates around you. In committee, I want to see a well-rounded delegate who can collaborate effectively, exhibit diplomacy, and speak passionately about the issue being presented at hand. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or compliments about anything from committee to K-Drama recs, feel free to reach out to us at Good luck, and see you all in April!

Nitin Kanchinadam

Hello delegates! My name is Nitin Kanchiandam and I am incredibly excited to be your chair for the Ad-Hoc Crisis Committee at TechMUN XXXI! I am currently a sophomore at the University of Maryland - College Park, majoring in computer science with a minor in innovation and entrepreneurship. I am also a part of UMD’s Hack4Impact chapter, SASA (South Asian Student Association), and I engage in research through the computer science department. In my free time, I love playing basketball, playing video games, and hanging out with my friends!

I competed in my first crisis committee in my junior year of high school and since then, I’ve loved the fast-paced craziness that crisis committees offer, and I can guarantee that Ad-Hoc is always the craziest of them all. If this is your first Ad-Hoc (or even first crisis) committee, it may seem overwhelming, but we are here to help you and ensure that this is the best experience ever. In committee, I will be looking for delegates that are creative, diplomatic, and can communicate their ideas effectively.

If you have any questions, reach out to us at Good luck, everyone, and I’ll see you all in April!

Alexandra Fall

My name is Alex, and I am ecstatic to be your chair for the Ad-Hoc Committee of the Secretary-General at TechMUN XXXI! I’m a sophomore at Georgetown University studying Science, Technology, and International Affairs in the School of Foreign Service (Hoya Saxa!). In my free time I play rugby and I’m a part of the Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity. I also attended one year at the College of William and Mary, where I was fundraising coordinator for their college conference, AndMUN.

In my time with TJMUN I figured out that crisis is (objectively) the best kind of committee, and Ad-Hoc is the best of the best. I’ve done a few Ad-Hocs in my day, and I can confidently say that you all are in for a roaring time. If you haven’t done it before the committee may seem daunting, but this is an opportunity to see how creative you can be. If this is your first crisis, get excited! If it’s your thousandth Ad-Hoc, still get excited! I will be looking for delegates that are creative, diplomatic, cooperative, and who truly embrace the Ad-Hoc spirit.

I hope you all are looking forward to a fantastic weekend of crisis, craziness, and maybe a little cooperation, as a treat. I am excited to meet all of you this April! If you have any questions, please email Best of luck!