Ananya Enganti

Hey everyone! My name is Ananya Enganti and I am a senior at TJ. I hope all of you are as excited about TECHMUN XXXI as much as I am. I have tried a million different activities in my high school career, but the only one that’s been there from the beginning was MUN. I have been doing MUN since freshman year and TJMUN has come to be like a second family. At times it can be daunting, but the reward is something that I know I will always keep with me. I have met some of my best friends to this date through MUN and formed some of my favorite memories such as TJ initiation, having our boba stolen from sophomores, and certain Ilmunc adventures.

Although MUN is a huge part of my life, outside of it you can catch me hanging out with my dog, at Chipotle, or trampoline parking with my friends. All jokes aside, I can’t say much about our committee (hush hush) but I am looking for creativity and improvement from you all this weekend. I hope all of you will come to love MUN and TECHMUN as much as I do and have a great time forming your own special memories. See you all soon!

Sachin Kumar

Hello everyone! My name is Sachin Satish Kumar, and I'm a first-year student at the University of Maryland. I'm thrilled about TECHMUN XXXI and I hope you share my enthusiasm. Throughout my high school years, I engaged in countless activities, but Model United Nations (MUN) has been a constant presence since my freshman year. MUN has become akin to a second home for me, providing both challenges and invaluable rewards. It's through MUN that I've forged some of my strongest friendships and experienced unforgettable moments!

While MUN plays a significant role in my life, I also enjoy spending time at the gym, grabbing a bite at Chipotle while listening to Sahithi, my favorite co-chair of all time, be a professional yapper, or going outw. While I must keep the details of our committee under wraps, I encourage all of you to bring your creativity and strive for improvement this weekend. My hope is that you'll grow to appreciate MUN and TECHMUN as much as I have, and that you'll create lasting memories of your own. Looking forward to meeting you all soon!

Sahithi Atluri

Hi delegates! I’m Sahithi Atluri, a senior at TJ, and will be serving as one of your ADHOC Spec co-chairs for TechMUN XXXI. A little bit about me outside of MUN is that I enjoy listening to music (especially Taylor Swift!), managing basketball, and driving around with my friends. While my first conferences were through a computer screen, I found my true passion for MUN in high school - there was something captivating about this club that I’m sure all of you have had the joy of experiencing as well.

From staying up until 2 am writing last minute position papers to dealing with Sachin’s antics during conferences to running around in heels to concession stands, I’ve truly experienced everything MUN has to offer. Along the way, I have made so many long lasting friendships and have gained so much insight into international affairs. As a chair, I hope that TechMUN will do the same for you and that you will walk away stronger, more confident, and well spoken as a delegate.

I couldn’t be more excited to see what each of you brings to the table at TechMUN and I’m looking forward to meeting you all.