Topic 1: The Battle of the Three Dynasties

Topic 2: Navigating Ethnic Tensions in Cao Wei

Rohith Yelisetty

Hi guys! I’m Rohith, a junior at TJ and I’m super excited to be your director for this year’s JCC. This is my third TechMUN and my fifth year doing MUN overall. Being a part of MUN has given me so many opportunities and experiences from running around Philly trying to scrap together a JPD to walking into a committee with 15 minutes of prep. Throughout the years, MUN has played an integral role in who I am as a person and has helped me in growing my leadership and public speaking skills.

Outside of MUN, you’ll probably find me building robots and rockets, stealing all of Aditi’s food, kicking Raghav out of his seat on the bus, or pinching Akshaya’s rosy cheeks (he swears he doesn’t wear blush). During committee, I will be looking for delegates that employ the qualities of a leader while being able to stay diplomatic throughout the entirety of the conference. I’m looking forward to intense debate, innovative solutions, and extremely creative backroom notes. Regardless of how new you are to MUN, I encourage you guys to step out of your comfort zone and raise your placard, write that JPD with another delegate you just met, or even plot to take over committee. See you all in April!

Raghav Kasi

Hello Delegates,

My name is Raghavendran Kasi and I am a sophomore at TJ. I am extremely ecstatic to be one of your directors alongside Akshay, Aditi, and Rohith. This is going to be my third TechMUN (2nd year staffing) and I can't wait to see what creative and crazy perspectives you all bring to the table. I first joined MUN in seventh-grade, and competed at TechMUN that very year. Even though it was virtual, it taught me a lot and I made many memories. After joining the Model UN club at TJ, I’ve met some of my closest friends and it’s truly been a roller coaster to say the least. TechMUN has always had a special place in my heart and I hope to carry it forward towards other delegates. This conference is a phenomenal opportunity to step outside your comfort zone and bring unique perspectives to the table. Outside of doing MUN, you can see me running, jumping, or working with aquatic animals. In fact, I am an aspiring marine biologist and my favorite aquatic specimen is a blobfish, due to its uncanny resemblance to my good friend Yelisetty. If you have any questions about this committee or just want to say hi, feel free to send me an email at

See you guys there!

Raghav Kasi

Zac Baker

Hi guys! I’m Zac and I am a senior at TJ. This is my fourth year of doing MUN and my second TechMUN. Everyone here knows the feeling of reading chairs bios and background guides while prepping for a committee. The anxiousness won't go away, but hopefully, you can be as prepared as possible so we can have a successful TechMUN. I sometimes find myself wondering why I'm still doing MUN as a second-semester senior, but it's because I love it. I hope you can find that same love for MUN here at TechMUN if you haven't already. I'm blessed to be co-chairing this committee with my best friend, Zarif. Throughout committee I want all of you to focus on one thing, growth. I want you all to grow as delegates and get out of your comfort zone, because for many of you, this conference is just the start to your endeavors in MUN.

In committee I will of course be looking for a good all-rounded delegate, but also delegates who surprise me. Whether it be an unconventional speech or speaking louder than you're used to, I want you to take risks. I will be keeping our eyes out for delegates who have good communication with one another, as displaying that teamwork also shows great diplomacy. If any of you have questions about committee, or anything else, reach out to

Zarif Azher

Hi, I'm Zarif! I'm a current senior at TJ and I've been doing MUN for 6 years. I'm super excited to be your chair for TECHMUN! I know things can get heated, especially when we're interacting with other committees in a JCC, but whether you are a beginner, advanced delegate, or it's your last ever conference, I hope we can all be mutually diplomatic and have a blast. One word of advice: remember that everyone in the committee has goals they are trying to accomplish, so be understanding, patient, and....keep your eye out for funny business in resolutions and updates.... Outside of MUN when I'm not raising my placard or frantically writing a resolution paper, I like to go to the gym, work on biomedical research, and read the news. I look forward to an exciting weekend, and please reach out with any questions or concerns. See you soon!

Background guides must be accessed using personal emails.

Background Guide