Topic 1: Addressing Malaria Prevention and Disease Control in Sub-Saharan Africa

Topic 2: Developing Comprehensive Strategies to Counteract Substance Abuse Among Adolescents

Dilnaaz Talwar

What’s up delegates, I’m Dilnaaz Talwar, one of your chairs for WHO! I am currently a junior at TJ who started MUN my freshman year of high school. MUN has been a very important club in shaping my high school journey. I’ve learned not only how to be a better delegate, but a better person! I’ve made some of my best friends and had some of my very important high school memories being a part of this club. From preparing my opening speech five minutes before committee or tripping over every backpack during unmods because of my heels, MUN has been an experience like no other.

Now, I do have a life outside of MUN! I am part of TJ’s crew team and dance outside of school. I love baking, watching Netflix, and sleeping! I also love any time I get to spend with my friends and love making fun of Ashrita for having an unhealthy obsession with caffeine and apple juice (which is disgusting).

I hope to see all of you give your best at this conference and walk out as a delegate who has learned new things from other people and even yourself. I am excited to be your chair and can’t wait to see some unique solutions that truly work to solve the issues at hand. Let’s make this committee memorable and enjoyable! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

Ashrita Gandhari

Hey everyone, and welcome to TechMUN XXXI! I’m Ashrita, your other chair for WHO! I’m currently a junior here at TJ, and this is my third year doing Model UN. From writing position papers at 4 in the morning, to reading my background guide for the first time 5 minutes before committee starts, or mid-comm Celsius runs, every MUN conference I’ve participated in has contributed to my life in the best ways possible. I’ve also met some of my best friends through this club, and can’t wait to see you all make connections with your fellow delegates in WHO.

Outside of MUN, I love spending time with my dog, Theo. I also dance competitively and play tennis! I love spending time with friends, family, rewatching Gilmore Girls (currently on rewatch #7), taking naps whenever I can (my favorite nap time is during 6th period AP Chemistry…) or spending time with Dilnaaz’s little sister (my best friend!!).

During your time in this committee, make sure you try out something new – Dilnaaz and I are always here to help! I am so incredibly excited to guide you guys through this committee and hear all of your creative solutions! Looking forward to seeing you all soon, and contact if you need anything! :)

Background guides must be accessed using personal emails.

Background Guide