Topic 1: Territorial Expansion Westward

Topic 2: Ethical Impact on Native Americans

Gabby Licayan

Hey y'all! I’m Gabby Licayan, currently a sophomore at TJ, and will be serving as your co-chair for the O'er the Prairies: Adventures with Lewis and Clark, 1804 committee! This is my second year being involved in Model UN and my first year I can say I truly understand what SPEC is! It feels like just yesterday I walked into my first committee room in a pair of sneakers and jeans unaware that WBA was a thing. But in just a span of 2 years I’ve won a couple ‘Best Dressed’ superlatives — not to brag ;) ! BUT! If you don’t catch me in my matching outfits you can probably find me on the stage acting out a monologue, fencing with a sword in my hand, or furiously completing homework. In this committee, Lucy and I will not only be looking for a diplomatic, enthusiastic, and well rounded-tic delegate. But, for someone who is willing to go above and beyond to become a better delegate; learning from their mistakes, getting out of their comfort zone, and changing when necessary. This past year I participated in my first ever SPEC committee. Although daunting I was able to get through it and I believe – well I KNOW – you can too! No matter if this is your first or maybe even last MUN conference, I want to be able to help you in any way, shape, or form so don’t be afraid to reach out or raise that placard! Additionally, if you have any questions and/or concerns about committee, you can contact me directly at OR reach out to! (I don’t bite, but Lucy might!)

Lucy Lu

Hey everyone! My name is Lucy Lu and I am a sophomore at TJ. I am thrilled to serve as one of your co-chairs for the Adventures with Lewis and Clark committee. I started participating in Model UN in 8th grade and one of my first conferences was TECHMUN. I was definitely not the strongest speaker that weekend, but I somehow found myself at home . Two years later, it is my turn to foster a similar environment for you! My goal is to make this committee into a space where every delegate can find their own voice and confidence, just as I did. Outside of MUN, I am big on sports, and last year I was a three-sport varsity athlete! Out of all the sports I’ve played, soccer holds a special place in my heart. Gabby and I are looking for delegates that are enthusiastic about engaging and embracing leadership roles. This means not just seizing every opportunity to speak during mod, but also showing diplomacy and helping guide those who are newer to MUN. Even if you were as inexperienced as I was at TECHMUN two years ago, remember that we are here to encourage and support you! If you have any questions, please reach us at or to me directly at See you soon!

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Background Guide