Topic 1: Mitigating the Ukraine-Russian War

Topic 2: Mitigating the uses of Weapons of Mass Destructions

Amrit Singh

What’s up everyone! I’m Amrit Singh, a sophomore at TJ, and I will be your chair for the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) at TechMUN. I started doing Model UN in 9th grade, and ever since then, Model UN has been one of the biggest parts of my life. While sometimes it is stressful, it's these moments that make Model UN so fun. It is because of Model UN I have made some of my closest friends, and these friendships are going to remain for a long time. From late night grinding to making cringy hooks for committee, I have seen a lot, and cannot wait to see you all this during TechMUN. Outside of Model UN, I love to play soccer, listen to music (Drake), and make fun of Esha for being short. While I know that for a lot of you this is not your first conference, we will be looking for those delegates that are diplomatic and well rounded. One of the biggest pieces of advice I can give you for this committee is to get out of your comfort zone and learn all the small lessons you can about Model UN, but make sure to have a good time as we all do Model UN to have fun. For many of you, this is just the start to your Model UN career, so try to learn and try new things. I am really looking forward to chairing you all this TechMUN! Please feel free to send us an email with any questions you may have at Good luck!

Esha Madamalla

Hey guys! I’m Esha Madamalla, a sophomore at TJ, and I will be your other chair for the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) this year at TechMUN. I started doing MUN at the beginning of high school making this my second year doing it and I'm happy to say that it is one of my favorite clubs. Through MUN I have met so many people both in school and outside of school and have many valuable friendships. MUN has its ups and downs, and oftentimes you find yourself in tricky situations, but navigating out of them makes the whole experience worth it. From going on CVS runs and stacking up on good snacks, to acting up as Elon Musk at TechMUN last year, I can’t wait to see what TechMUN this year holds for us. Outside of MUN, I love to cook and bake, doodling on everything, and throw stuffed animals at Amrit (aim for the head ofc). I am looking forward to making this conference your favorite one so far, and I am excited for all the fun to come. We are looking for delegates with good communication, high energy levels, and are overall well rounded. My advice for you is to be bold and to not be afraid to try something new, whether that be a funny hook or something else, and for you to enjoy the conference and not feel stressed. For those of you for this is your first conference, I am hoping it’ll be your best one ever and will make an excellent first impression. I'm excited to meet you all, feel free to email us at Good luck!

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Background Guide